YOUR art in OUR windows!
Everyone can join in! 5 April – 3 May We invite you to take part in Firstsite gallery’s Great Big Art Exhibition, the biggest art exhibition in the UK! All you have to do to take part is to draw or paint anything on these two themes, using A4 or A3 paper: Flowers Draw the Future And we will fill our windows with artwork made by you! Whether you are a doodler or a dabbler, a complete first-timer or an old hand, all ages and abilities are welcome to join in! To take part, post your picture in the Big Art Box on the Pavilion terrace (the side by the sea) Mon – Fri, 10am – 5pm from 5 April. Please add your name, postcode and email address on the back of your picture. If you can’t get to the Pavilion, then post your work to us at Great Big Art Exhibition, De La Warr Pavilion, Marina, Bexhill on Sea, East Sussex TN40 1DP For more information and inspiration to get started go to:
Young people from across East Sussex, aged 12-20, have been involved in developing a brand-new website for Discovery College. The college is a partnership of different organisations, headed by Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, that create and deliver co-produced courses that any young person in East Sussex can join, to look after their mental health, enjoy themselves, be with other young people, and build their skills. Co-design is the guiding principle for Discovery College, a sister programme to Recovery College. Young people with lived experience of mental health challenges play a key role in designing the programme of arts and psycho-educational courses to support young people’s mental health. Discovery College has been running for a number of years. A new partnership with Lewes-based arts charity Culture Shift and support from Arts Council England is enabling Discovery College to expand and grow. “Young people have consistently told us that they want to show their communities and the world that experiencing mental health challenges is not a barrier to having strengths, talent, hopes and aspirations. Through the website they can now share this and more with us and, like everyone else involved with the project, I am delighted with the result.” “Designing Together was the name of the course we delivered to a really switched on group of young people, reflected Ross Andrews Clifford and Chloe Taylor, web designer and developer. `Everyone ought to be proud of what they achieved; a dynamic and interactive resource and information website for Discovery College’s courses, which will bring awareness to its uniquely supportive role within the mental health arena for vulnerable young people.” The website helps shine a light on a support programme for young people and the evolving programme of arts and psycho-education courses. First is a chance to meet other parents in a Covid safe environment, a calm and welcoming space for some much needed connection, storytelling and friendship. The programme features six workshops from visiting artists from a range of art forms, alongside regular baby sensory and creative activities.
The sessions are £8 and last for an hour and a half with refreshments provided. Limited free places available for single parents, parents aged under 25 and those in receipt of Universal Credit. For more information please see the website: |
These updates are provided by the HRAEN steering group and comprise information we feel will be most useful to the HRAEN members. Please note that though we want to spread the word about creative activity much of what appears here has not been quality checked by HRAEN and consequently HRAEN does not systematically endorse the projects on this page.
May 2022
All Arts Award Arts Champions Arts Council England Artswork CPD Creative Teaching Culture Shift Dear Serge De La Warr Pavilion East Sussex Arts Award Film Education Fun Palaces Hastings Borough Council Hastings Museum & Art Gallery Hastings Pier HRAEN Jerwood Gallery Pallant House Gallery Rother District Council Screen South South East Bridge The Pier HUB White Rock Theatre |