Celebrate the universal language of drawing and get your mark making moving.
12 noon – 4pm Led by Jane Fox and Tessa Martina with Make Your Mark. Create fabulous drawings inspired by the sculpture and postcards in the exhibition The Way Things Are. How will you make your mark? What can you use to make a mark? What will happen once you begin? Are you curious about where drawing can take you? Facilitated by a professional artist and a peer arts worker with lived experience of mental health challenges, these drop in activities are open to everyone (all ages, skills and experience), and will encourage you to consider the possibilities of drawing. Stop by for ten minutes or stay for the whole day and experience the energy that is created when people get together to make their mark. A free, drop in drawing event as part of a Year of Drawing, delivered with Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, will increase access to the arts for people facing mental health challenges and their carers through participatory drawing events across Sussex and Hampshire. For more information on a Year of Drawing, please visit www.makeyourmarknhs.co.uk
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These updates are provided by the HRAEN steering group and comprise information we feel will be most useful to the HRAEN members. Please note that though we want to spread the word about creative activity much of what appears here has not been quality checked by HRAEN and consequently HRAEN does not systematically endorse the projects on this page.
May 2022
All Arts Award Arts Champions Arts Council England Artswork CPD Creative Teaching Culture Shift Dear Serge De La Warr Pavilion East Sussex Arts Award Film Education Fun Palaces Hastings Borough Council Hastings Museum & Art Gallery Hastings Pier HRAEN Jerwood Gallery Pallant House Gallery Rother District Council Screen South South East Bridge The Pier HUB White Rock Theatre |